Monday, March 16, 2009

It's a Girl!

We are so excited to announce that our little baby is a girl. We went today for our ultrasound where we got to see all our baby's body parts. So precious! At first, she had her feet up above her head and later decided to stretch out. She is a healthy 9 oz. which means that my original due date may actually be a little late. They said she may come closer to August 10th instead of August 17th, which is just perfectly fine with me!

Oh....and we have a name picked out! Her name is going to be....

Katelyn Rose Murphy

I put a lot of thought into her name and finally came up with something very special and meaningful to us. Katelyn is after my Aunt Kathy who passed away a few years ago. I know she is so happy for us and if she were still here she would be beside herself with excitement. And Rose is Justin's grandmother's name. She is very special to him and me and I just love the way the names sound together. 

Needless to say, I am happy happy happy!


Julia and Cody said...

I'm happy happy happy too!!! Love you guys so much!

leiGh said...

yay for baby girls and healthy pregnancies. So glad you are doing so well Carrie! :D

thecleggfamily said...

what a BEAUTIFUL name! i am so happy for you guys!

Conry Family said...

The name is just gorgeous and so perfect! I am glad to see that you are showing and that you feel katelyn moving:) I remember after I had brooks, I missed feeling him kick around inside me! I'm so happy for you guys!

Chelsea and Greg said...

I am so excited for you guys!! I love the name, it is beautiful!!

debbie said...

We are so happy for you and I know your Aunt Kathy is smiling from heaven. Our Madison is my little angel (she was born on the same day as my third daughter Megan who went to be with the Lord.) We love you guys!

Debbie Easterwood

Jamie said...

Congratulations! How fun to have a little girl...not that boys aren't fun, too ;) Her name is beautiful!


Congratulations, Carrie! I love the name you picked pretty! :)

Theresa, Chris, Aidan and Logan said...

Congrats! I am so happy for you guys and am thrilled that I get to buy little girl things!!! Yay for Katelyn Rose!!!