Monday, March 14, 2011

Moving on...

A lot has occured since my last post. We were waiting on our house to sell, and it did! It took just about 3 weeks...what a miracle! The buyers paid cash and wanted our house in just a week, so we had to move out rather quickly. We are now living at my parent's house and are just waiting for the closing on our new house. If all goes as planned, we should be moving in at the end of the month. I can't wait. I looove my new house!

Meanwhile, Katelyn is just growing and growing and learning new words every day. Her new thing is to say bye to someone or something and then say "see ya". It's just so cute. She can say more names of family members now. Along with mama and daddy, she says PawPaw, Mimi, Coco (Cody, ha), Juju (Julia), and NayNay. She can say and point to her eyes, nose and hair. She says shoes, outside, slide, bed, peas, bread, please, kitty, and more. I'm so excited when she says little sentences like, "Bye Mama." and  "I got it!". Love my little girl!